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🌩️⛈️🇧🇾На территории Гродненской, Минской и Брестской областей вечером 2 января 2024 года спутниковая грозопеленгация отметила 382 грозовых разряда. Самая мощная молния ударила под Барановичами: она была линейная, сила тока в ней составила 100 килоампер.
🌩️⛈️🇧🇾On the territory of Grodno, Minsk and Brest states on the evening of January 2, 2024, satellite lightning direction finding recorded 382 lightning discharges. The most powerful lightning struck near Baranovichi: it was linear, the current strength in it was 100 kiloamperes.
@meteo_official 🌙
🌩️⛈️🇧🇾On the territory of Grodno, Minsk and Brest states on the evening of January 2, 2024, satellite lightning direction finding recorded 382 lightning discharges. The most powerful lightning struck near Baranovichi: it was linear, the current strength in it was 100 kiloamperes.
@meteo_official 🌙