🇧🇾 Pro-Lukashenko Appreciator Channel (Rus: Пролукашенковский оценочный канал) 🇧🇾

Kanal geosi va tili: Belarus, Inglizcha
Toifa: Siyosat

The purpose of the channel is to spread awareness of the amazing work of Lukashenko and the beauty of Belarus.

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Belarus, Inglizcha
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Off-Grid Ireland dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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A beautifully made video about pregnant women serving in the Ukraine armed forces, getting new uniforms and boxes of deodorant and sanitary products.

Why would you have pregnant women serving in the military during wartime operations?

Why would anyone promote or encourage this?

Land clearance and depopulation for the money lenders.. If you haven't woke up to whats happening, now would be a good time.. #EndNato #DefundUkraine

Ultra based Universal dan repost
🇧🇾We sincerely congratulate the leader of Belarus - Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko on his birthday!

🇧🇾Мы искренне поздравляем Вождя Беларуси - Александра Григорьевича Лукашенко с его днём Рождения!

The Estonian Leader's Son
The Belarussian Leader's Son

TheSovietTsar dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Africa is siding with Russia to end the exploitative economic plundering in Africa by the Collective West. The Collective West perpetual plundering and military actions against these countries are the reasons for the mass migration of many Africans in the first place.

The Collective West will demean these African nations for coming to their countries yet will not admit their responsibilities. They will speak about the backwardness of these countries, while ignoring the fact that the Collective West has purged many African leaders, that have actual potential and abilities to make their countries prosper, replacing them with warlords, tribal supremacist, and weak politicians strengthening gangs and tribal warfare.

🇧🇾 President: Our festival embodies the value of historical memory. The memory of its glorious past, that Belarus is our land and our roots are ancient. We have felt this connection especially acutely for centuries.
And here we understand the value of our cultural code. From the very beginning, Belarusians' desire for justice, high morality and patriotism are embedded in it.

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🇧🇾 Day of Belarusian Republic

Russian Federation's Pro-Putin Channel dan repost
🇷🇺❤️🇧🇾 Lukashenko at the Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus: "Even in the most difficult times for Belarus and Russia, contacts at the regional level have been actively developing. This helped us to survive in the conditions of the collapse of statehood and the rupture of established economic ties after the collapse of a great country.

And now strong relations help us to keep a new blow from the West on all fronts: economic, political, ideological, informational, cultural and others.

⚡Work on the deployment of nuclear weapons is being completed in Belarus, and this work will be finally completed in early July.

"- A million people will die at the same time! God forbid, of course. It's going to be scary. But if a war starts, you know, it will be easy to coordinate a (nuclear) strike. Let the enemies tremble"

- Alexander Lukashenko.

⚡️President Lukashenko: "The most important thing is that we know what to do and in which direction to move."

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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🇧🇾⚡️ Lukashenko is taking part together with the presidents of post-Soviet countries at the meeting of the Eurasian Economic Union.

⚡️Lukashenko promised to rip the skin off the governors

The President of Belarus identified the availability and quality of medical care in rural areas as an acute problem.

"I will never forgive you for the village. Never! Remember this. First of all, the governors. I will rip your skin off, but you will restore order there!" — said Lukashenko.

⚡️Lukashenko congratulated the staff of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the 65th anniversary of its formation

"The glorious traditions of serving the Fatherland, combined with innovative teaching methods and modern material and technical base, allow the university staff to train highly qualified specialists for internal affairs bodies, as well as highly qualified personnel for departmental educational institutions," the congratulation reads.

"Graduates of the police alma mater, having a solid knowledge base, are an example of patriotism and professionalism, able to carry out the tasks set to ensure law and order in the country with honor and dignity."

The Head of state addressed separate words of gratitude to veterans who make a huge contribution to the ideological work with young employees and form a principled civic position among the younger generation.

⚡️The KGB of Belarus stopped attempts to commit terrorist attacks on the eve of May 9. A group of suspects has been detained on suspicion of preparing for terrorist attacks. Foreign intelligence services were behind the preparation of the prevented terrorist attacks.

Chairman of the Committee Ivan Tertel

Kazei participated in many important operations, sabotage. For example, in 1943, the boy brought reinforcements to his encircled detachment in time, thereby he managed to save the lives of his combat comrades-in-arms. But the last fighting day for the young warrior was May 11, 1944. Then Marat and the commander of the reconnaissance company came to the village of Khoromitsky to meet with a messenger. But the house where the partisans stopped was surrounded by the Germans. Larin, who was trying to get out the window, was struck by a line from a machine gun. The boy hid behind a tree and fired back to the last, until the cartridges ran out. He let the Germans get closer to him in order to pretend that he was surrendering. But then Marat quickly grabs a grenade, pulls out the chick and blows himself up along with the Germans. For numerous feats, for torment, the young Belarusian warrior was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Marat Kazei is a young hero of the Belarusian people.

Marat was born into an ordinary peasant family in th
e village of Stankovo. The boy graduated from only 4 classes. He lost his mother very early, at the age of 13. Anna Kazei was hanged by the Germans for helping the partisans, providing them with medical care. And the father was arrested right at the workplace on a fabricated denunciation. But even before that, at the age of 12, Marat joined the partisans, and later became a scout. In the partisans, he was with his sister, Ariadne, who also helped to clear the land from the invaders. But later Marat and Ariadne decided to evacuate away from the fighting. Marat himself refused to evacuate with his sister. But then there was a big problem: Adriana got frostbite on her leg. And it came to gangrene, because of which she had to saw off her legs with an ordinary hacksaw. Then Adriana was 18 years old.

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❤️‍🔥Lukashenko in the Alexander Garden

🔥Today, the First One will be watching the Parade in Moscow from the stands.

Lukashenka's motorcade is heading to Red Square.

Russian Federation's Pro-Putin Channel dan repost
🌹 The banner of victory over the Reichstag - 1945.

☀️Heirs of Empires🌑 dan repost
🚩Congratulations to all on the
Great Victory Day! 🚩

Glory to our ancestors!

Our cause is just, victory will be ours!

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