Фразовые глаголы по теме
"Family and friends"
✔️ bring up = take care of a child until he or she becomes an adult (воспитывать)
✔️ fall out (with) = have an argument with sb and stop being friends (поссориться c кем-то)
✔️ get on (with) = have a good relationship (with) (ладить с кем-то)
✔️ go out with = be the boyfriend/girlfriend of (пойти куда-нибудь с кем-то)
✔️ grow up = become older (for children) (взрослеть, вырастать)
✔️ let down = disappoint (подвести, разочаровать)
✔️ look after = take care of (присматривать за)
✔️ split up = end a relationship (расстаться)
"Family and friends"
✔️ bring up = take care of a child until he or she becomes an adult (воспитывать)
✔️ fall out (with) = have an argument with sb and stop being friends (поссориться c кем-то)
✔️ get on (with) = have a good relationship (with) (ладить с кем-то)
✔️ go out with = be the boyfriend/girlfriend of (пойти куда-нибудь с кем-то)
✔️ grow up = become older (for children) (взрослеть, вырастать)
✔️ let down = disappoint (подвести, разочаровать)
✔️ look after = take care of (присматривать за)
✔️ split up = end a relationship (расстаться)