✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 07.10.2024
1. DEFALCATION (NOUN): (गबन): default
Synonyms: disaster, failure
Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement
Example Sentence: Ravi made defalcation in funds.
2. CANDOR (NOUN): (निष्कपटता): frankness
Synonyms: directness, fairness
Antonyms: dishonesty, unfairness
Example Sentence: She has done her task with complete candor.
3. CESSATION (NOUN): (ठहराव): abeyance
Synonyms: breather, discontinuance
Antonyms: activity, continuity
Example Sentence: Since the bad weather has caused a temporary building cessation, the office building will not be completed on time.
4. DEVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कपटी): deceitful
Synonyms: duplicitous, insidious
Antonyms: honest, forthright
Example Sentence: He plays a devious character.
5. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): (भिन्न): contrasting
Synonyms: discordant, diverse
Antonyms: agreeing, alike
Example Sentence: Anamika made disparate arguments.
6. DISTRAUGHT (ADJECTIVE): (व्याकुल): very upset
Synonyms: agitated, anxious
Antonyms: balanced, calm
Example Sentence: She burst into a little peal of laughter as she looked into his distraught face.
7. EXTRICATE (VERB): (अलग करना): get out of a situation
Synonyms: detach, extract
Antonyms: attach, connect
Example Sentence: Amay was trying to extricate himself from official duties.
8. RIG (VERB): (वस्र पहनना): dress
Synonyms: equip, furnish
Antonyms: disrobe, uncover
Example Sentence: The children return from Box Hill, and are rigged out for church.
9. ENTANGLE (VERB): (उलझाना): involve
Synonyms: confuse, complicate
Antonyms: clarify, exclude
Example Sentence: Don’t entangle those people in your project as they are not trustworthy.
10. PREMEDITATED (ADJECTIVE): (पूर्वचिन्तित): planned
Synonyms: calculated, deliberate
Antonyms: accidental, casual
Example Sentence: Had it really been premeditated that he should fall into that camp?
1. DEFALCATION (NOUN): (गबन): default
Synonyms: disaster, failure
Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement
Example Sentence: Ravi made defalcation in funds.
2. CANDOR (NOUN): (निष्कपटता): frankness
Synonyms: directness, fairness
Antonyms: dishonesty, unfairness
Example Sentence: She has done her task with complete candor.
3. CESSATION (NOUN): (ठहराव): abeyance
Synonyms: breather, discontinuance
Antonyms: activity, continuity
Example Sentence: Since the bad weather has caused a temporary building cessation, the office building will not be completed on time.
4. DEVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कपटी): deceitful
Synonyms: duplicitous, insidious
Antonyms: honest, forthright
Example Sentence: He plays a devious character.
5. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): (भिन्न): contrasting
Synonyms: discordant, diverse
Antonyms: agreeing, alike
Example Sentence: Anamika made disparate arguments.
6. DISTRAUGHT (ADJECTIVE): (व्याकुल): very upset
Synonyms: agitated, anxious
Antonyms: balanced, calm
Example Sentence: She burst into a little peal of laughter as she looked into his distraught face.
7. EXTRICATE (VERB): (अलग करना): get out of a situation
Synonyms: detach, extract
Antonyms: attach, connect
Example Sentence: Amay was trying to extricate himself from official duties.
8. RIG (VERB): (वस्र पहनना): dress
Synonyms: equip, furnish
Antonyms: disrobe, uncover
Example Sentence: The children return from Box Hill, and are rigged out for church.
9. ENTANGLE (VERB): (उलझाना): involve
Synonyms: confuse, complicate
Antonyms: clarify, exclude
Example Sentence: Don’t entangle those people in your project as they are not trustworthy.
10. PREMEDITATED (ADJECTIVE): (पूर्वचिन्तित): planned
Synonyms: calculated, deliberate
Antonyms: accidental, casual
Example Sentence: Had it really been premeditated that he should fall into that camp?