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I'm gonna need this later

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Belarus, Belarusian
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Через войны, пожары, века
Звон малиновый в небо летит.
Слышен звон этот издалека,
Это сердце России звенит.

В ярком злате святых куполов
Гордо множится солнечный лик.
С возвращеньем двуглавых орлов
Продолжается русский язык.

Москва — звонят колокола.
Москва — златые купола.
Москва — по золоту веков
Проходит летопись времен.

In his work, Moses Hess put forward the following ideas:

1. The Jews will always remain strangers among the European peoples, who may emancipate them for reasons of humanity and justice, but will never respect them so long as the Jews place their own great national memories in the background and hold to the principle, "Ubi bene, ibi patria." (Latin: "where [it is] well, there [is] the fatherland")

2. The Jewish type is indestructible, and Jewish national feeling can not be uprooted, although the German Jews, for the sake of a wider and more general emancipation, persuade themselves and others to the contrary.

3. If the emancipation of the Jews is irreconcilable with Jewish nationality, the Jews must sacrifice emancipation to nationality. Hess considers that the only solution of the Jewish question lies in the returning to Palestine.

Песьня якой нідзе не існуе.
Ні на Ютубе, ні на Спатыфае, ні ў ботах Тэлеграма.
Пошук Гугла не дае вынікаў.

Сапраўды моцны альбом. Вельмі разнастайны. Амаль кожная песьня — іншы жанр. Мой асабісты фаварыт — «Серега-капітан».

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