Репост из: Стоп Пропаганда
‼️Второй шаг: отправляем письмо с жалобой на abuse@telegram.org
Пожалуйста, распространите! Кто еще не жаловался в самом телеграме — пожалуйтесь.
Куда: abuse@telegram.org
Тема письма: This account spreads personal details
Dear esteemed Telegram Team,
I urge you to block a Telegram channel spreading personal details — https://t.me/harakiri_by.
They publish passport numbers, addresses (even abroad), phone numbers, bank accounts, children's and other family members' names, illegally obtained personal messages and medical secrecy.
Here are some examples:
1. https://t.me/harakiri_by/1368 - names, date of birth, addresses including abroad, passport details
2. https://t.me/harakiri_by/593 - private details about family members
3. https://t.me/harakiri_by/398 - name, date of birth, wife's full name, personal messages
4. https://t.me/harakiri_by/1139 - children's names and their whereabouts
5. https://t.me/harakiri_by/1299?single - bank details including bank account number
6. https://t.me/harakiri_by/1315 - medical secrecy
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‼️Второй шаг: отправляем письмо с жалобой на abuse@telegram.org
Пожалуйста, распространите! Кто еще не жаловался в самом телеграме — пожалуйтесь.
Куда: abuse@telegram.org
Тема письма: This account spreads personal details
Dear esteemed Telegram Team,
I urge you to block a Telegram channel spreading personal details — https://t.me/harakiri_by.
They publish passport numbers, addresses (even abroad), phone numbers, bank accounts, children's and other family members' names, illegally obtained personal messages and medical secrecy.
Here are some examples:
1. https://t.me/harakiri_by/1368 - names, date of birth, addresses including abroad, passport details
2. https://t.me/harakiri_by/593 - private details about family members
3. https://t.me/harakiri_by/398 - name, date of birth, wife's full name, personal messages
4. https://t.me/harakiri_by/1139 - children's names and their whereabouts
5. https://t.me/harakiri_by/1299?single - bank details including bank account number
6. https://t.me/harakiri_by/1315 - medical secrecy
📱 Помочь | 📱Сайт | 📱 Instagram | 📱 Twitter | 📱 Telegram | 📱 Telegram BOT | 📱 YouTube | 📱 TikTok | #tosend