Репост из: Meteo Channel ☈
🌨️🇧🇾В этой грозе зафиксировано более 20 разрядов. Она активна с 12:55 и движется на юго-восток. Крайний разряд зафиксирован примерно в 13:20 по местному времени, после этого данные не обновлялись.
🌨️🇧🇾This thunderstorm has recorded over 20 discharges. It has been active since 12:55 and is moving southeast. The last discharge was recorded at approximately 1:20 PM local time, after which the data has not been updated.
@meteo_official 🌙
🌨️🇧🇾This thunderstorm has recorded over 20 discharges. It has been active since 12:55 and is moving southeast. The last discharge was recorded at approximately 1:20 PM local time, after which the data has not been updated.
@meteo_official 🌙